
Founder of Bipolar Social Club shares his story and reason for starting BSC

“The main thing we have to do to break the stigma is to find more people to tell their stories” - Paul English (Entrepreneur / Philanthropist)

Benefits of our manic impulses

“I'm lucky enough to be self employed and so I can kind of work with the flow of mania and depression and work more or work less and also really structure my days around that.” - Laura Niblack

Seeking Help

“I hope I can become comfortable with letting other people help me in my journey” - Ryan (Veteran, USA)

Life after treatment and medication, so much better

“Before I was walking along a knife’s edge between manic and depressed. What medication did is it made it much wider so it wasn’t an edge, it was more like a street” - Ariel Yoffie (Product Leader in Tech)